Our Mission
If there is a specific ministry you would like to support like maybe one of these (Mangan Tayon: Let's Eat! Food program, PASSION: Youth & Young Adults, Hale Me Ke Aloha, etc.) Please include a note before submitting your payment. Otherwise, the donation will go to our general fund. Mahalo ke Akua.
Financial Stewardship
E-Tithing: Through E-tithing, the amount you authorize is electronically transferred from your account to WKUMC on a weekly or monthly basis. You may change or terminate your e-tithing at any time. To get started simply click on the link above, "Donations and Gifts to WKUMC."
Hale Me Ke Aloha: Parsonage fund created to re-build and renovate the home of our pastor and help with maintenance, upkeep, and care of the Kekaha property.
Mangan Tayon: Let's Eat Food Program and Food Pantry. Donations to the food program provide for a meal once a month to the homebound elderly and known homeless individuals. If you know of a family member or friend in need of a delicious home cooked meal, email westkauaiumc@gmail.com or call West Kauai UMC, Pastor (808) 337-1464.
Pastor's Discretionary Fund: This fund is used at the discretion of the pastor to help people in need (ie. groceries, bus passes, assistance, etc.)
Missions: Gifts used to enhance WKUMC's commitment to support local and global mission projects.
Memorial Funds: Providing gifts in memory of a loved one can be used for specific needs around the church.
Special Funds: To be designated for West Kauai's building and property improvements.
**Members of our Finance Committee are available to answer any questions regarding financial stewardship. Please contact the church office or email westkauaiumc@gmail.com for more information.
At West Kauai UMC, we are committed to building life-giving communities through our worship, gifts, presence, and service. Part of living out this journey of discipleship includes financial stewardship in response to God's abundant blessings. Here are some opportunities available for Financial Stewardship.
Kaumakani Sanctuary
Kaumualii Hwy, Kaumakani
HI 96747
1st - 5th of the month
Sunday 9:30a - 10:30a
Mailing Address
PO Box 298
Kekaha, HI 96752